
Build a Witch challenge - Pirwekil, a bridge witch

Inspired by the build a witch challenge.

Yekinary Spirits

The gameable version of a folklore being.

Plait the Hair – An Erythraean spell

The gameable version of a folklore spell.

Of hearth infants; an elven origin

The gameable version of a folklore creature.

Velkeres - Lords of the Frigid Breath

The gameable version of a folklore creature.

Varypnas (Vrachnas/Mora)

The gameable version of a well-known folklore creature.

10 Monster Underworld (#tenmonstersetting)

An underworld setting in response to the tenmonstersetting challenge.

The Village of Sirtol

A riverside village for a secluded setting.

Found in a forest clearing

Tables I created for forests with a folk/mythological atmosphere.

Torment - Tides of Numenera

T:TON is a sprawling modular interactive narrative, a rough glimpse towards a possibility of what a combat-less cRPG could look like.

Dragon Magazine rants 2 – Language

Musings on subjects raised by reading Dragon Magazine issues.

Dragon Magazine rants 1 – Magic & Science

Musings on subjects raised by reading Dragon Magazine issues.

Layers of Fear & Uncanny Space

An article concerning meta-thinking in CRPGs - part 1.

Meta-thinking in CRPGs (Part 2)

An article concerning meta-thinking in CRPGs - part 2.

Meta-thinking in CRPGs (Part 1)

An article concerning meta-thinking in CRPGs - part 1.

Darkest Dungeon preview

Το Darkest Dungeon προσφέρει μια ανάσα πρωτοτυπίας στο είδος των rogue-like RPG, προβάλλοντας σε τόσο μεγάλο βαθμό τον ψυχολογικό κόσμο των χαρακτήρων του, αλλά και του ίδιου του παίκτη.

The notion of Progress & RPG’s (part 2)

An article concerning the way progress is implemented in RPGs - part 2.

The notion of Progress & RPG’s (part 1)

An article concerning the way progress is implemented in RPGs - part 1.

Pillars of Eternity and Space

Χώρος και ηλεκτρονικά RPG με αφορμή το καταπληκτικό Pillars of Eternity.

Morningstar - Descent to Deadrock (Red Herring Labs, 2015)

It manages to build a bit on isolation and “stranded” themes, is slightly menacing, but ends up gainsaying the expectations that it creates, mainly due to its limited, demo-like nature.

RPG Psychogeography

Μια απόπειρα για σκιαγραφή της δικής μου ψυχογεωγραφίας των επιτραπέζιων RPG.

Moebius - Empire Rising (Phoenix Online Studios, 2014)

Το στραβοπάτημα της Jane Jensen

Might & Magic X Legacy

Ένας ακατέργαστος ημιπολύτιμος λίθος

Top 18 CRPG’s – part 2

Το δεύτερο μέρος του αφιερώματος στα αγαπημένα μου CRPGs

Top 18 CRPG’s – part 1

Το πρώτο μέρος του αφιερώματος στα αγαπημένα μου CRPG.
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