Αποδοχή Κληρονομιάς - Ανδρέας Νικολακόπουλος

Δεκαέξι διηγήματα που περιστρέφονται γύρω από την Παράδοση, της οποίας ο κληρονομικός χαρακτήρας αναδεικνύεται και παίρνει ακρογωνιαία θέση


2020 - Βιβλιόλιστα

Βιβλία που διάβασα και ξεχώρισα το 2020


Drakonhail – L'autre lieu demo (Rempart Immortel, 2020)

Ένα demo που θολώνει τα όρια μεταξύ black metal και dark ambient και αποκαλύπτει μια πηγαία ενσωμάτωση των απόκοσμων αρχών του πνεύματος αμφότερων των ειδών.


Drakonhail – L'autre lieu demo (Rempart Immortel, 2020)

Blending the line between black metal και dark ambient, this demo reveals a spontaneous immersion in the otherworldly principles of both genres’ spirit.


Obskuritatem – Hronika iz mraka (Black Gangrene Productions, 2020)

An album full of spectral gliding iconography, in Hronika iz mraka the ugliness of decay meets the beauty of decadence and the mania of divine dementia flickers through thick twilight.


Old Nick - Naive Black Metal (Grime Stone Records)

Δίχως να βαρύνονται από τα δεσμά της σοβαρότητας, οι Old Nick είναι μια όαση που θα ξεδιψάσει όσους ανακάλυψαν στο black metal ένα καταφύγιο από την κυρίαρχη πραγματικότητα αλλά και ένα όπλο ενάντια σε αυτήν.


Channeler - Conscience (Deathhammer Records, 2020)

Well-crafted and passionate raw black metal that feels arcane, presenting the listener with vistas of otherworldly beauty.


Lord Vigo – Danse De Noir (High Roller Records, 2020)

Leading with inspired song-writing and taking full advantage of the sci-fi themes, the band seems to have hit gold, sculpting a monumental release.


Spectral Lore & Mare Cognitum – Wanderers - Astrology of the Nine (I, Voidhanger, 2020)

A cosmic journey through the multitude of the planetary aspects.


Herxheim – Incised Arrival (I, Voidhanger/Nuclear War Now, 2020)

Prowling upon some strange corners of the genre’s history, the album deserves the occult characterisation.


At the Altar of the Horned God – Through Doors Of Moonlight (I, Voidhanger, 2020)

A rich, diverse album transcending genres and discarding traditional structure, earning with its sword the avant-garde descriptor.


Θορυβώδη Απομεινάρια

Ένα διήγημα που γράφτηκε κατά την πανδημία του 2020.


Malokarpatan – Krupinské Ohne (Invictus, 2020)

Steeped with epicness and whimsicality -as the best of tales are supposed to be- this is authentic folklore metal at its finest.


Black Sword Thunder Attack – March of the Damned (No Remorse, 2020)

An amazing release whose short duration creates a ravenous anticipation for a full-length successor.


Zalmoxis – A Nocturnal Emanation (Signal Rex, 2020)

A Nocturnal Emanation is a release with somnambulistic themes, grand sweeping atmospheres, a gnarled expedition into nocturnal mysteries.


Akhlys – The Dreaming I (Debemur Morti, 2015)

Its most abstract, ambient-like structure, not as dense and complex as in the mother-ship’s creations, manages to conjure almost effortlessly a spectral soundscape of the night void, one from which it is not easy for the listener to escape unwounded....
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